A group of women on dressage horses

The horse has to respond smoothly to a skilled rider's minimal aids

Dressage is a French term, (most commonly translated to mean "training") is a highly skilled form of riding performed in exhibition and competition, as well as an "art" sometimes pursued solely for the sake of mastery. Dressage is "the highest expression of horse training" where "horse and rider are expected to perform from memory a series of predetermined movements."

Competitions are held at all levels  from amateur to the Olympic Games and World Equestrian Games. Its fundamental purpose is to develop, through standardized progressive training methods, a horse's natural athletic ability and willingness to perform, thereby maximizing its potential as a riding horse. At the peak of a dressage horse's gymnastic development, the horse responds smoothly to a skilled rider's minimal aids. The rider is relaxed and appears effort-free while the horse willingly performs the requested movement.

Working terrain

Indoor/outdoor arenas and dressage courts 


Because of the intensive usage of the dressage horse, often on very soft sand and synthetic surfaces, these horses should be shod using wide-web shoes.

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